Flying is not fun.

Traveling in general is not fun, but flying takes a cake. And when I said flying, I mean, flying commercial in an economy class, because that’s all I ever known. If you fly first class on emirate and think flying and traveling in general is just fine and dandy, I’m not talking to you.

I’ve heard that at least flying used to be quite pleasant, if not outright luxurious affair. I wouldn’t know because my first time on a plane was after 9/11 when the security theatre was probably at its highest point. Everything was miserable. Long security check point queue, having to empty out everything you have on your person, taking off shoes and took out your expensive laptops and put them in totes and watched your valuables slowly moving away from you on a conveyer belt and hoped to god that nobody would just snatch it and run away while you were getting ogled by the x-ray machine.

awww, yissss.

And when you get pass that. Now you wait along with 100-300 people, hoping that you won’t be one of the last to get on the plane because if the flight is full, it’s likely that you won’t find overhead bin space for your carryon, or, worse yet, can’t even find any available seat because airline are allowed to oversell the flight and there wasn’t much recourse for you, most of the time, you don’t even get refund, only airline credit, no compensation for lost time, ruined day, messed up travel plan/connections. Then you might have to fight them to pay for your accommodations and meals until you can get into your next flight, fun, right?

And no sexy stewardess flight attendant for you, sorry.

Bleh Meter : 😶😶😶😶😶 It actively hurts.

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